Monday, May 8, 2023





Don’t Look Back…# 1

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Under a black and menacing sky, an eager voice screamed, “Do not look back.”  Sodom did not see the phenomenon; only silence and a pillar of salt remained after the rumble.


The Ravens screech their death calls. Who will mourn the woman who chose to turn, look back and suffer death? Will anyone give solace to the strangers from Gomorra, or will they be alone forever?


The voice, now like a flute mourns before a funeral feast: all is lost and soon be forgotten. Yesterdays filled with mortal pain, today the sun rises on strength, strong will, and bright tomorrows.


















[ A short-short story]

Saturday, November 20, 2021

A Sacred Duty

The old blind man down the road is dying, he is kind and good-hearted, and the neighbors all know his name.  They say that after the war in Vietnam, his Country he would not blame. 

Family and friends all gathered around him in his final hour.  I watched as people would come and go, their hands full of food and flowers.

His daughter arrived, asking me to thank the neighbors for what they had done.  Then she tells me that the old man is holding on to life, waiting for his Grandson.

Her eyes filled with tears; you see, my son is in Afghanistan, and we have not seen him for a year.  My father was in the military, a pilot in Vietnam; he came home, and for that, we were all blessed.  The medals on his walls are evidence of him being the best.

We had only spoken for a moment when the sound of sirens filled the air; it gave us a scare.  The parade of cars pulled up close, doors opened; uniform men stepped out, all with a military flare.

Behind them walked a young man straight and tall, wearing his Air Force Blues, said it all.   They say that he went to his grandfather's bedside, took his hand, and gave him a small box along with a sharp salute.  The young man was proud of his grandfather; this was his last tribute.

In the box were the medals he had been given in Iraq and Afghanistan, "These are for you, Papa, and thank you for teaching me to be a man." They buried him in that sacred place called Arlington, his job as a son, brother, father, Grandfather, and the service to his Country, at last, was done.     

Sunday, November 7, 2021


Your Site ‹ The Last Chapter —


Beyond the clouds, a spirit will soon

Be born, extraordinary, soon to breach

A world unknown.

#MentalHealth #Depression #Rebirth 

Monday, October 11, 2021

On Dying...#1

 Coming to terms with death is not an easy thing.  Cancer is scary!  I am five months into "Chemo" and the treatments are not bad, it is after the treatment that is hard on your body and mind. I have multi myeloma.  Today is an after-effect day, it takes about three or four days to run through my body.  

In the meantime, I am mentally planning projects such as writing and/or watercolor painting.  I would be so grateful if you would support me by purchasing one of my books at, my poetry covers many of the dark days of my life up until now.  I lost a daughter in 2010, Flying with Broken Wings is about her and the life she lead before passing.

Thank you so much

Authors Books at and Barns&




Sunday, June 13, 2021

Fear and Pain, a Gift…#336

It is through what I call a “brain fog” that I create “Fear and Pain, a Gift”.  I try to gather and put upon paper my thoughts.  I have stopped thinking of a day, one, two etc.; they run together and get in the way of what I want to say.  I send immense love to all of you, so many have kept me in their thoughts, as I have you.  You will never know how precious your prayers are to me.  EAJM

Fear and Pain, a Gift  

What is growing old all about?
It is not a new question for me,
I have given thought to the
Subject since I was young. 
Unloved by my mother, though
I always loved her dearly; she
Was emotionally absent in my
Life; as was my daddy in many
Ways.  So, at the start of this
Flight into the Imagination, the
Answer was Simple.  I would die
Very young!
I did not want to be alone and
Unloved, dying young would
Prevent my fears from coming
Into the light of day; where I
Must face them.  Afraid to face
The truth, afraid to face reality. 
I provided the shell that would
Protect me.  I would not give into
My fears, and never have been
Afraid to die.
Then at a very young age, I was
Married and gave birth to my
First daughter.  I was about to
Take a journey that would give
Me joy, unconditional love.  As
Each day passed I felt the strength
Of a “Warrior”, I was given the
Responsibility to take care of my
Child.  Strength, not decay. Each
Nerve in my body strung with a
Fierce message that it was not in
My youth that I dreamed it would
Be!  The golden days lay within
The realm of being a good mother,
As good as it could be, from day
Break to sunsets glow.
I soon looked at the world in a
Different light, my heart both wept
And shoved the fullness of the past,
Those years would lay dormant.  If
Not but for awhile!  I was never
Young, I lived in the hot prison of the
Present with a bruised mind and
Body.  What I felt deep within my
Heart would fester and grow, but it
Would never be a part of my being
A mother.  Masked emotion would
Be my past, present, and future.
To suffer was the plan, not one from
Me but from as higher power.  I am
But a hollow ghost, a phantom of one
Who was given the greatest duty? 
The last stage is not one in pain and
Agony, but that of one that has been lifted
Toward the Heavens and on Earth has been
Given the greatest gift of them all, five
Wonderful souls, my children and being
Their mother.  Five brilliant children who
Love me unconditionally. I and my love
For them keeps me moving forward.